Academic Works/Projects

Numeric & Symbolic Computation App

Bag Tag

Bakery Website

I've dedicated time and effort to my academic works at the University of the Philippines as a computer science student. It enhanced my skills and abilities in software engineering and somehow showcased my proficiency in various programming languages. Through my creativity and passion in this field, I can say that I'm ready to tackle challenges that this field may offer.


Proficiency and Background


  • Soft Skills: I can communicate my ideas effectively; thus, I'm good at collaboration tasks. I'm also eager to learn new things and easily adapt to changes. I won't miss anything out because I pay close attention to any detail to ensure the efficiency of my code. Moreover, I'm great at managing my time effectively to meet the deadlines, and I'm always prepared for any obstacle that may prevent me from accomplishing the deadline. Lastly, I'm creative; I always look for innovative solutions to any problem I encounter.
  • Hard Skills: I've learned several programming languages, including Python, Java, R, C, and JavaScript, and I'm somehow good at building websites from HTML and CSS.


From my earliest memories, I've always been a curious person, and one thing that intrigued me the most when I was a child was how computers work. My curiosity led me to study at the University of the Philippines Los BaƱos as a computer science student. From building simple codes to creating my own games, I've enjoyed seeing how these lines of code come together when executed. I took every opportunity to learn various programming languages, and it built my passion for problem-solving and creating something from a blank slate. I'm thrilled to step out of my comfort zone by trying to bring this passion and enthusiasm I have outside the school zone. I hope to be placed in an environment where growth will be evident to me, not just as a software engineer but also as a person.